
tjldxdkjyxgs 2024-04-26 04:28:56


The consulate requested the Japanese police to provide humanitarian treatment to the Chinese detainees, and timely inform them of the investigation results.


The country will surely solicit more talents from both home and abroad to build the country into a leader in manufacturing, given the government plans to promote the development of integrated circuits, 5G mobile communications, aircraft engines, new-energy vehicles, new materials and equipment manufacturing, among others.

The country will optimize capacity layout of the conventional oil-fueled automobile industry by encouraging mergers and restructuring.


The country always ensures that foreign aid is mutually beneficial, taking into consideration the financial sustainability of the recipients when carrying out aid projects, he said.

The country is also building 100 State-level virtual reality education centers to teach scientific knowledge and skills, he said. By the end of next year, authorities plan to start building 10 demonstration zones to showcase the latest innovations and practices of AI-integrated education.

The country recorded 549 million air passengers, up 12.6 percent year-on-year.


The construction of high-quality infrastructure-especially for projects focused on new energy sources and digital technology-can further boost cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean nations, a forum in Macao was told on Thursday.

The country will speed up the process to shorten the negative lists-which identify sectors where foreign participation is restricted, continuously widen the market access to foreign investment, and revise the catalog of industries where foreign capital is encouraged and increase the number of encouraged items, he said.


The construction will be completed before 2019, and is expected to generate 600 million yuan (.8 million) in revenue every year when in operation.

The country is either leading the world or comparable with developed countries in some biotech fields, including super hybrid rice breeding technology and application, transgenic plant research and animal somatic cell cloning.

声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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